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Planning Board Minutes 04/23/07
Planning Board Minutes
April 23, 2007
4:30 p.m.
Town Hall

Present:  Chairman Rich Osnoss, Billy Meegan, John Flender, Janet Weidner,  Russell Walton,             Mitchell Posin, Tim Lasker, Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   None
Guests:   Board of Selectmen: Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Riggs Parker; Camille Rose,         Aquinnah Selectman; Diane Brady Emin, and Chuck Hodgkinson

Chairman Rich Osnoss opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

DAS (Distributed Antenna System) Information
Mr. Fenner opened the discussion.  He explained that a consultant, David Maxon, was hired by the Town of Aquinnah to revise the Aquinnah Zoning By-Laws for Personal Wireless Service Facilities.  These revised By-Laws are in effect today.  They were voted on and approved by the Town of Aquinnah at Special Town Meeting in May 2000.  

Mr. Meegan asked for Ms. Rose to walk us through the process from the onset to present.  Ms. Rose discussed the need for the By-Law as a defensive measure to protect the Town.  The Distributed Antenna System will offer an alternative to carriers seeking permits for cell towers.  

A question was asked: How does the DAS work?  An antenna is secured on top of a telephone pole or a pole of similar height.  A developer would conduct a test of the town to determine where the lack of cell service exists.  Per Mr. Fenner, this survey is currently being done for the Town of Chilmark.  The developer will advise the town of the number of antennas needed to be attached to poles.  Antennas can be made of a variety of materials to blend into the scenery.  NSTAR has approved use of their "stump" poles, poles with less "heavy equipment" (ie: transformers) on them.  The Town has the option of buying; thus owning, the new poles.  This cost would be approximately $2,500 per pole.  If the Town owns the poles, a Cell Service Carrier would pay $50 per month per pole for its use.   Ms. Rose shared that one of the benefits to owning the poles would be the control and exclusive rights to use the poles as needed; possible future add-ons.  Another benefit is the DAS can be upgraded easily as the technology changes/improves.

A permit would be needed to allow a "hotel" to be set up, which is a box about 12' x 15'.  This box accommodates four Cell Service Carriers.  The Town of Chilmark may be able to utilize the Aquinnah "hotel".

Ms. Rose is working on a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to include West Tisbury, Chilmark and Aquinnah in this RFP project.

Ms. Rose commented that Nantucket has the DAS in place and it's been very successful.

PB Meeting Minutes                                  -  2  -                                             April 23, 2007
A question was asked about the health ramifications with the DAS.  The Distributed Antenna System has lower powered antennas which reduces the health risk versus a cell tower.   The further away you are from the antenna, the less harmful.
Mr. Meegan requested to see a mock-up picture of the DAS in Menemsha.  The Planning Board would like to see the results of the consultant's report regarding the number of poles that would be needed.  Mr. Fenner stated that there should be no more than 20 poles for the entire Town.   The estimated cost for the project would be $50,000 - $60,000.

If the town were to buy the poles, it was suggested that the Planning Board consider including in the by-law a special permit to give the Town permission to place a pole on privately owned land.

The  Planning Board will draft a Revised Zoning By-Law for Wireless Communications and use David Maxon's suggested by-law revisions as a guide.    We will send a copy of our final draft to David Maxon for his review.  The Planning Board is aware that a special town meeting would need to be scheduled and the town needs to vote on the proposed new by-law.

Middle Line Road Community Housing Program
Rich read aloud a letter from David Norton, Chilmark Fire Chief.  The letter stated Mr. Norton's concern for a Water Source for the MLR development.  The Planning Board will send a letter to Mr. Norton acknowledging his concern and encouraging him to attend the MLR Public Hearing next Monday, April 30 at 4:30 p.m.  

A letter was mailed out to each Homesite Housing Applicant and to each Abutter of  MLR development (Map 13 Lot 43).   The letter notified each recipient of the PB public hearing on April 30 and the MVC public hearing on May 10.

Rich read aloud the list of concerns (attached) that the Planning Board noted during the MLR site visit on April 22.  The list was forwarded to Chuck Hodgkinson.  These concerns will be addressed at the Public Hearing on April 30, 2007.

Mr. Doty discussed the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Efficient Development).  David Handlin, Architect, is LEED certified and will offer us suggestions for the design of MLR structures, making certain it is both energy efficient and cost effective.

Mr. Meegan commented on a memo from the MVC stating their affordable housing percentages of 85% and 120% of Annual Median Income (AMI); when Chilmark Housing Committee is using 100% and 150% of Annual Median Income (AMI) figures.  This information needs to be clarified.  Christina will research and follow-up.  

Mr. Doty discussed the history of the Town of Chilmark Projects that he oversaw and commented how each project stayed within budget.  

Mr. Lasker stated that the Planning Board and the Town of Chilmark has the opportunity to build these right for the long haul.

The Planning Board thanked Mr. Doty, Mr. Fenner, Mr. Parker and Diane Emin for coming.

PB Meeting Minutes                     -  3  -                                            April 23, 2007

Bigelow Beach Lots
Mr. Meegan conferred with a representative of the Quansoo Beach Associatation whose opinion was that there is no regulation stopping the applicant from subdividing.  A motion was made to request an extension and ask Ron Rappaport for advice.  The motion was seconded, and approved unanimously.  Christina Soulagnet to speak with Doug Hoehn for extension request.

Chapter 91 Donald Hurley Jr. & Stephen N. Hurley; Map 33 Parcel 62
Donald Hurley Jr. and Stephen N. Hurley are requesting to add a wooden step ladder to an existing pier.  After a brief discussion, the Planning Board noted the request and determined that action is not required on this Chapter 91 license notice request.  The file was forwarded
to Chuck Hodgkinson, Coordinator of Administrative Support.

Minutes of April 9, 2007
A motion was made to table April 9 Meeting Minutes until the next scheduled meeting on Monday, May 14.  The motion was seconded, voted and approved unanimously.

Other Business
1.  A copy of the Community Planning Act was distributed to each PB member for review.
2.  A copy of Rusty's draft for the Chapter 44 section 53G regulations was distributed to each      PB member for review.
3.  Allen Flanders Letter Follow-up:  Christina informed PB members that Sloan Hart, Administrative Assistant to the Fire Chief, will be handling all E-911 requests.  The Allen Flanders letter was forwarded to Ms. Hart.

There was no other business.  Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant

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NOTE:  Scroll down for Attachment (Planning Board List of Concerns for MLR)

April 22, 2007

Planning Board Site Visit
Middle Line Road Community Housing Program   

Attendance:  Rich Osnoss, Chairman, Janet Weidner, Rusty Walton, John Flender,
                     Tim Lasker and Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.

The members walked the entire MLR property and Middle Line Road to Tabor House Road intersection.  

Planning Board noted:

1.  Building envelopes on the east side are close to property line.  Perhaps buildings
     can be moved west more.  Also, plant screening along the eastern property line.
(Rusty's question:  Could northern "cluster" shift to west of Holman Road?)
2.  Define no cut zones.  Where are the no cut zones versus the 50' setbacks?
     It was noted that rental duplexes have no yard due to the no cut zone.

3.  Include a recreation area for children/families.  ie:  community garden.  Referring to   the open space ( Lot 1) on the western side of property.  (Need to inquire with NHESP, per Rusty.)

4.  Stake road entrance into development, road entrance into each grouping,
building envelopes and lot lines.  (Note:  Center of road and center of building envelopes will be staked by 5/2 in preparation of MVC site walk on 5/2 & 5/3.)

5.   Middle Line Road will need to be brought up to specifications.  Turnouts need
to be identified.  Also, the access from Tabor House Road onto Middle Line Road needs to be addressed.

6.  Explore the possibility of having solar water in the home sites and rental duplexes?

7.  Transportation issue:  Where is the closest school bus stop?  Where is the closest
     VTA bus stop?  (Proposed Park & Ride at the Chilmark Landfill?)

8.  Septic systems:  Planning Board would like to see cost comparison of the Title V system versus a de-nitrifying system; separate systems versus joint systems.  
      (Cost of a pumped system versus gravity fed system?)

9.  Christina to follow-up:
     a.  Map of Holman Road from Middle Line Road to North Road.
     b.  Property owners for Map 43 Parcel 29 (Beverly Gillis Jaksa .83 acre)

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